3rd METAVISION event at KU Leuven
Last week, 4–6 September 2024, the third METAVISION event took place at the KU Leuven Mechanical Engineering Department in Heverlee, Belgium. This event consisted of the third training school, including the topics Integrity & Ethics, COMSOL, Project management and Persuasive communication. At the occasion of this training school, also the third General Assembly meeting took…
Third METAVISION event at KU Leuven
On 4-6 September 2024, the third METAVISION training school will take place at the KU Leuven Mechanical Engineering Department in Heverlee, Belgium. This combined technical-transferable training school covers the topics of Research integrity & ethics (4 September), Acoustic simulations with COMSOL, Project management (5 September) and Persuasive communication (6 September). The registration fee per DC…
4th Symposium on Acoustic Metamaterials
Last week, 15-18 May 2024, METAVISION was represented at the 4th Symposium on Acoustic Metamaterials event which took place in Aegina, Greece, and which was organized by the Young Researchers in Acoustic Metamaterials (YRAM) network. This Symposium is mainly dedicated to Ph.D. students and Early Career Investigators and aims at sharing new advances and breakthroughs…